Contact Us
Integral Physical Therapy is located in Providence Park, conveniently located across from East Cobb Park.
3535 Roswell Road, Suite 44 Marietta, GA 30062
Phone: 470-210-7222
Fax: 470-777-2338

Have you been saying, “I need to find a local physical therapist in Cobb County?”
Integral Physical Therapy is located in the heart of East Cobb, 10 minutes from downtown Marietta, Sandy Springs, and Roswell.
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As of January 1, 2022, all healthcare providers are required to provide estimates for the costs of your care. The Good Faith Estimate shows the cost of items and services that are reasonably expected for your healthcare needs and treatment. Our physical therapy practice has always had transparent pricing but an additional document will now be provided per the new law, termed the Good Faith Estimate, upon scheduling and/or as requested. This GFE does not include unexpected costs that could arise during treatment but we will clearly communicate with you, as we always have, regarding your treatment plan and recommended services.