Massery Advanced Course

April 25-27, 2025


Course Description

Following the framework established in the introductory pulmonary course, the Advanced Pulmonary Course will focus on applying evidence based concepts of multi-system integration to clinical situations (PT, OT or ST) with a special focus on the role of the cardiopulmonary system in the patient’s rehabilitation program. Prior to the course, small groups of participants will be asked to do evaluations with patients who consent to be part of this learning experience, and they will present these in-depth cases to the group for feedback and discussions. Following the presentations, the group will do joint treatment sessions to assess whether the proposed intervention strategies were effective for the patient, or whether the plan needs adjustments. The course will be interspersed with labs: 1) to refine handling techniques that were introduced in the introductory course and 2) to integrate the material into everyday clinical practice. The class is dynamic and interactive and will require active participation during both pre-class and in-class sessions.

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